Chip Bags Are Out
It was not a day without controversy. Players that started at the "overflow" tables in the poker room were irritated to learn that no online qualifiers were seated at any of the fifteen tables in the room. Their irritation was further compounded by a table breaking process that was opaque at best.
Once the field consolidated into the main tournament room, things ran more smoothly. As always, there were some notable players whose tournament never really got started. Will "the Thrill" Failla got things started with an early departure; he was later followed by (among others) Barry Greenstein, Carter Phillips, Tom "durrrr" Dwan and 2009 WSOP Main Event Champion Joe Cada.
The big board in the tournament room says 464 players remain, but the number is most likely lower than that. We expect that approximately 450 players will return for the start of Day 2 at noon tomorrow.
We'll be right back here to continue our coverage at that time. Until then, you can find us at the bar.