While You Wait...
Brian Haack was down to 18,000 chips, and they all went in a three-way pot. On the turn, the board read , and Haack held . Ted Lawson showed , and the river blanked off to send Haack home.
A short time later, Bill Gazes became the next victim of Day 2. The board in his final hand read . Gazes held and could not beat Steve Zolotow's . Gazes is out.
Ralph Perry was next to go. On a board of , Perry got himself all in on the river. Yueqi Zhu showed down , his nut flush doing the job of eliminating Perry.
And last but not least, The Poker Brat is no longer with us either. Hellmuth was all in on a board showing . He showed but could not match Pat Pezzin's .