The Great American Novel - Omaha-8 Version
The flop reads . Eli Elezra checks, John Shipley bets 4,000. Andy Bloch reraises pot to 18,000 and Amnon Filippi moves all-in behind. Elezra tanks and shoves his short stack all-in.
Then Shipley ships it in behind him after a minute of dwelling.
At this point, Eli whispers to me, "If I don't get counterfeited, I get sixty..."
Eli then says to Andy Bloch, "Come on, make a good fold..."
Bloch replies, "I'm not known for my good folds..."
Bloch then calls as well. This pot is so huge that I get out an extra notepad to write more.
The order of stack sizes are Filippi, Shipley, Bloch then Elezra I think, but Bloch and Shipley are very close.
Filippi: for the nut straight and a flush draw.
Shipley: for the nut low with a pair and a straight draw.
Bloch: for the nut straight with a low draw.
Elezra: for a pair and the nut low draw.
Filippi calls for a club to completely scoop the high.
The turn is the but the river is the best card for Filippi and gives the whole of the high to him.
So, Filippi gets the high half of all the pots, and splits one side pot against Bloch, who gets the low. The next side pot involving Shipley, Bloch and Filippi, is split between Shipley and Filippi and the low from the huge main pot is split between Elezra and Shipley.
And this all takes about 10 minutes to do.
Anyway, I hope you got all that...