Year of the Kessler Indeed
Earlier, Annie Duke dubbed this "The Year of the Kessler". She might have been onto something. On a flop of , RyanKarp shoved all in against Allen Kessler. Kessler put on his soul-reading glasses before calling with just middle pair and no appreciable draw in either direction,
. It turned out to be the best hand on the flop, as Karp could only muster a flush draw,
. The turn
gave Karp a bucketful of outs. He could catch any club to scoop, a 6 to scoop, or an ace to scoop. He could also catch any non-club, non-pairing low card to nab the low half of the pot.
Of course, because this is the Year of the Kessler, the board paired a non-club on the river, . Kessler dragged the whole pot to climb to 160,000 while knocking Karp out in the process.