Table | Seat | Player | Count |
33 | 1 | Jason Somerville | 79,500 |
33 | 2 | Kenny Nguyen | 101,000 |
33 | 3 | Clayton Maguire | 156,500 |
33 | 4 | Arian Stolt | 54,000 |
33 | 5 | Joey Weissman | 138,500 |
33 | 6 | Dragana Mackelprang | 136,000 |
33 | 7 | Chad Eveslage | 373,500 |
33 | 8 | Joel Gola | 108,000 |
33 | 9 | Paul Balzano | 50,000 |
34 | 1 | Diogo Veiga | 290,000 |
34 | 2 | Dylan DeStefano | 238,000 |
34 | 3 | Bobby Sanoubane | 46,000 |
34 | 4 | Michael Rossitto | 139,500 |
34 | 5 | Joe Kuether | 39,500 |
34 | 6 | Dan Shak | 77,000 |
34 | 7 | Johan Schumacher | 133,000 |
34 | 8 | Kristen Bicknell | 111,500 |
34 | 9 | Brian Batt | 120,000 |
35 | 1 | Haim Gabay | 75,000 |
35 | 2 | Darren Elias | 163,000 |
35 | 3 | Armand Anicete | 71,000 |
35 | 4 | Faraz Jaka | 30,500 |
35 | 5 | Cary Katz | 148,500 |
35 | 6 | Daniel Rezaei | 143,000 |
35 | 7 | Saloman Sutton | 119,000 |
35 | 8 | Martin Raus | 40,500 |
35 | 9 | Almedin Imsirovic | 258,000 |
36 | 1 | James Romero | 200,000 |
36 | 2 | Jason Koon | 143,000 |
36 | 3 | David Miscikowski | 307,500 |
36 | 4 | Matthew Wantman | 224,000 |
36 | 5 | Shannon Shorr | 103,000 |
36 | 6 | Aaron Massey | 139,000 |
36 | 7 | Daniel Smiljkovic | 188,000 |
36 | 8 | Leo Worthington-Leese | 202,000 |
36 | 9 | Tony Tran | 168,500 |
37 | 1 | Jared Jaffee | 29,500 |
37 | 2 | Amir Mirrasouli | 61,500 |
37 | 3 | Landon Tice | 74,500 |
37 | 4 | Andy Park | 57,500 |
37 | 5 | Jake Schwartz | 88,000 |
37 | 6 | Joseph Cheong | 70,000 |
37 | 7 | George Rakitzis | 94,000 |
37 | 8 | Ian Matakis | 139,000 |
37 | 9 | Jordan Spurlin | 124,500 |
38 | 1 | Salim Admon | 255,000 |
38 | 2 | Gaurav Raina | 55,500 |
38 | 3 | Ronald Sullivan | 263,500 |
38 | 4 | Ben Yu | 96,500 |
38 | 5 | Terrence Revere | 36,000 |
38 | 6 | Ema Zajmovic | 66,000 |
38 | 7 | Daniel Negreanu | 219,500 |
38 | 8 | Florian Duta | 125,000 |
38 | 9 | Scott Mayfield | 321,000 |
39 | 1 | Endrit Geci | 121,500 |
39 | 2 | John Riordan | 103,000 |
39 | 3 | Steven Begleiter | 113,500 |
39 | 4 | Victoria Livschitz | 166,500 |
39 | 5 | Sergio Aido | 46,000 |
39 | 6 | Brian Altman | 327,000 |
39 | 7 | Nikita Kutukov | 27,000 |
39 | 8 | Dylan Smith | 173,000 |
39 | 9 | Glenn LaFaye | 174,000 |
40 | 1 | Vineet Pahuja | 120,500 |
40 | 2 | Dustin Dirksen | 24,500 |
40 | 3 | Nicholas Pupillo | 162,000 |
40 | 4 | Brandon Wilson | 108,000 |
40 | 5 | Jeff Dumas | 154,500 |
40 | 6 | Omar Saeed | 92,500 |
40 | 7 | David Jackson | 106,000 |
40 | 8 | Altynai Fung | 82,500 |
40 | 9 | Taylor Paur | 132,500 |
41 | 1 | Joseph Liberta | 308,000 |
41 | 2 | Uri Reichenstein | 242,000 |
41 | 3 | Shawn Daniels | 282,500 |
41 | 4 | Daniel Wilson | 54,000 |
41 | 6 | Amnon Filippi | 245,000 |
41 | 7 | Nicholas Manganaro | 92,000 |
41 | 8 | Ariel Mantel | 242,500 |
41 | 9 | Scott Matte | 132,500 |
42 | 1 | Rick Salomon | 106,000 |
42 | 2 | Lou Barlow | 90,500 |
42 | 3 | David Toscano | 53,500 |
42 | 4 | Gianluca Speranza | 326,000 |
42 | 5 | Fikret Kovac | 180,500 |
42 | 6 | Alex Foxen | 115,500 |
42 | 7 | Filipp Khavin | 49,500 |
42 | 8 | Martin Mathis | 74,500 |
42 | 9 | Corey Lieblein | 141,500 |
43 | 1 | Thomas Boivin | 265,000 |
43 | 2 | Dan Smith | 184,000 |
43 | 3 | Jake Schindler | 78,500 |
43 | 4 | Ralph Wong | 121,500 |
43 | 5 | Daniel Lazrus | 264,000 |
43 | 6 | Mike Lang | 345,500 |
43 | 7 | Martin Stausholm | 278,000 |
43 | 8 | Johan Martinet | 60,000 |
43 | 9 | Ardit Kurshumi | 171,500 |
44 | 1 | Jim Collopy | 170,000 |
44 | 2 | Adam Hendrix | 51,000 |
44 | 3 | Barry Hutter | 84,000 |
44 | 4 | Ben Palmer | 111,000 |
44 | 5 | Ludovic Periaux | 160,500 |
44 | 6 | Sean Winter | 81,000 |
44 | 7 | Sylvain Loosli | 322,500 |
44 | 8 | Joao Simao | 375,500 |
44 | 9 | Cole Ferrraro | 61,500 |
45 | 1 | David Coleman | 72,000 |
45 | 2 | Jonathan Jaffe | 382,000 |
45 | 3 | Vikenty Shegal | 85,000 |
45 | 4 | Scott Baumstein | 38,000 |
45 | 5 | Johan Guilbert | 624,000 |
45 | 6 | Anthony Marquez | 73,500 |
45 | 7 | Balakrishna Patur | 118,000 |
45 | 8 | Andrew Lichtenberger | 137,000 |
45 | 9 | Mitchell Halverson | 78,000 |
46 | 1 | Dylan Linde | 78,500 |
46 | 2 | Brett Apter | 161,000 |
46 | 3 | Mohammad Arani | 145,500 |
46 | 4 | Kitty Kuo | 135,000 |
46 | 5 | Ian O'Hara | 295,500 |
46 | 6 | Shankar Pillai | 203,000 |
46 | 7 | Joel Baker | 53,500 |
46 | 8 | David Leese | 86,000 |
46 | 9 | Scott Ball | 94,000 |
47 | 1 | Shan Jing | 98,000 |
47 | 2 | Jonathan Martinelli | 24,000 |
47 | 3 | Erik Seidel | 34,000 |
47 | 4 | Jack Hardcastle | 270,500 |
47 | 5 | Tsz Shing | 350,000 |
47 | 6 | Robert Cowen | 69,500 |
47 | 7 | Robert Michener | 279,500 |
47 | 8 | Brekstyn Schutten | 185,500 |
47 | 9 | Sam Soverel | 325,500 |
48 | 1 | Markus Gonsalves | 62,500 |
48 | 2 | Sergi Reixach | 144,000 |
48 | 3 | Lanny Vaysman | 89,500 |
48 | 4 | Vanessa Kade | 345,000 |
48 | 5 | Craig Mason | 85,500 |
48 | 6 | Pierce McKellar | 112,000 |
48 | 7 | Sofia Lovgren | 280,000 |
48 | 8 | Kim Ng | 98,000 |
48 | 9 | Elvis Toomas | 132,000 |
2022 Wynn Millions
Table | Seat | Player | Count |
45 | 5 | Johan Guilbert | 624,000 |
45 | 2 | Jonathan Jaffe | 382,000 |
44 | 8 | Joao Simao | 375,500 |
33 | 7 | Chad Eveslage | 373,500 |
47 | 5 | Tsz Shing | 350,000 |
43 | 6 | Mike Lang | 345,500 |
48 | 4 | Vanessa Kade | 345,000 |
39 | 6 | Brian Altman | 327,000 |
42 | 4 | Gianluca Speranza | 326,000 |
47 | 9 | Sam Soverel | 325,500 |
44 | 7 | Sylvain Loosli | 322,500 |
38 | 9 | Scott Mayfield | 321,000 |
41 | 1 | Joseph Liberta | 308,000 |
36 | 3 | David Miscikowski | 307,500 |
46 | 5 | Ian O'Hara | 295,500 |
34 | 1 | Diogo Veiga | 290,000 |
41 | 3 | Shawn Daniels | 282,500 |
48 | 7 | Sofia Lovgren | 280,000 |
47 | 7 | Robert Michener | 279,500 |
43 | 7 | Martin Stausholm | 278,000 |
47 | 4 | Jack Hardcastle | 270,500 |
43 | 1 | Thomas Boivin | 265,000 |
43 | 5 | Daniel Lazrus | 264,000 |
38 | 3 | Ronald Sullivan | 263,500 |
35 | 9 | Almedin Imsirovic | 258,000 |
38 | 1 | Salim Admon | 255,000 |
41 | 6 | Amnon Filippi | 245,000 |
41 | 8 | Ariel Mantel | 242,500 |
41 | 2 | Uri Reichenstein | 242,000 |
34 | 2 | Dylan DeStefano | 238,000 |
36 | 4 | Matthew Wantman | 224,000 |
38 | 7 | Daniel Negreanu | 219,500 |
46 | 6 | Shankar Pillai | 203,000 |
36 | 8 | Leo Worthington-Leese | 202,000 |
36 | 1 | James Romero | 200,000 |
36 | 7 | Daniel Smiljkovic | 188,000 |
47 | 8 | Brekstyn Schutten | 185,500 |
43 | 2 | Dan Smith | 184,000 |
42 | 5 | Fikret Kovac | 180,500 |
39 | 9 | Glenn LaFaye | 174,000 |
39 | 8 | Dylan Smith | 173,000 |
43 | 9 | Ardit Kurshumi | 171,500 |
44 | 1 | Jim Collopy | 170,000 |
36 | 9 | Tony Tran | 168,500 |
39 | 4 | Victoria Livschitz | 166,500 |
35 | 2 | Darren Elias | 163,000 |
40 | 3 | Nicholas Pupillo | 162,000 |
46 | 2 | Brett Apter | 161,000 |
44 | 5 | Ludovic Periaux | 160,500 |
33 | 3 | Clayton Maguire | 156,500 |
40 | 5 | Jeff Dumas | 154,500 |
35 | 5 | Cary Katz | 148,500 |
46 | 3 | Mohammad Arani | 145,500 |
48 | 2 | Sergi Reixach | 144,000 |
35 | 6 | Daniel Rezaei | 143,000 |
36 | 2 | Jason Koon | 143,000 |
42 | 9 | Corey Lieblein | 141,500 |
34 | 4 | Michael Rossitto | 139,500 |
36 | 6 | Aaron Massey | 139,000 |
37 | 8 | Ian Matakis | 139,000 |
33 | 5 | Joey Weissman | 138,500 |
45 | 8 | Andrew Lichtenberger | 137,000 |
33 | 6 | Dragana Mackelprang | 136,000 |
46 | 4 | Kitty Kuo | 135,000 |
34 | 7 | Johan Schumacher | 133,000 |
40 | 9 | Taylor Paur | 132,500 |
41 | 9 | Scott Matte | 132,500 |
48 | 9 | Elvis Toomas | 132,000 |
38 | 8 | Florian Duta | 125,000 |
37 | 9 | Jordan Spurlin | 124,500 |
39 | 1 | Endrit Geci | 121,500 |
43 | 4 | Ralph Wong | 121,500 |
40 | 1 | Vineet Pahuja | 120,500 |
34 | 9 | Brian Batt | 120,000 |
35 | 7 | Saloman Sutton | 119,000 |
45 | 7 | Balakrishna Patur | 118,000 |
42 | 6 | Alex Foxen | 115,500 |
39 | 3 | Steven Begleiter | 113,500 |
48 | 6 | Pierce McKellar | 112,000 |
34 | 8 | Kristen Bicknell | 111,500 |
44 | 4 | Ben Palmer | 111,000 |
33 | 8 | Joel Gola | 108,000 |
40 | 4 | Brandon Wilson | 108,000 |
40 | 7 | David Jackson | 106,000 |
42 | 1 | Rick Salomon | 106,000 |
36 | 5 | Shannon Shorr | 103,000 |
39 | 2 | John Riordan | 103,000 |
33 | 2 | Kenny Nguyen | 101,000 |
47 | 1 | Shan Jing | 98,000 |
48 | 8 | Kim Ng | 98,000 |
38 | 4 | Ben Yu | 96,500 |
37 | 7 | George Rakitzis | 94,000 |
46 | 9 | Scott Ball | 94,000 |
40 | 6 | Omar Saeed | 92,500 |
41 | 7 | Nicholas Manganaro | 92,000 |
42 | 2 | Lou Barlow | 90,500 |
48 | 3 | Lanny Vaysman | 89,500 |
37 | 5 | Jake Schwartz | 88,000 |
46 | 8 | David Leese | 86,000 |
48 | 5 | Craig Mason | 85,500 |
45 | 3 | Vikenty Shegal | 85,000 |
44 | 3 | Barry Hutter | 84,000 |
40 | 8 | Altynai Fung | 82,500 |
44 | 6 | Sean Winter | 81,000 |
33 | 1 | Jason Somerville | 79,500 |
43 | 3 | Jake Schindler | 78,500 |
46 | 1 | Dylan Linde | 78,500 |
45 | 9 | Mitchell Halverson | 78,000 |
34 | 6 | Dan Shak | 77,000 |
35 | 1 | Haim Gabay | 75,000 |
37 | 3 | Landon Tice | 74,500 |
42 | 8 | Martin Mathis | 74,500 |
45 | 6 | Anthony Marquez | 73,500 |
45 | 1 | David Coleman | 72,000 |
35 | 3 | Armand Anicete | 71,000 |
37 | 6 | Joseph Cheong | 70,000 |
47 | 6 | Robert Cowen | 69,500 |
38 | 6 | Ema Zajmovic | 66,000 |
48 | 1 | Markus Gonsalves | 62,500 |
37 | 2 | Amir Mirrasouli | 61,500 |
44 | 9 | Cole Ferrraro | 61,500 |
43 | 8 | Johan Martinet | 60,000 |
37 | 4 | Andy Park | 57,500 |
38 | 2 | Gaurav Raina | 55,500 |
33 | 4 | Arian Stolt | 54,000 |
41 | 4 | Daniel Wilson | 54,000 |
42 | 3 | David Toscano | 53,500 |
46 | 7 | Joel Baker | 53,500 |
44 | 2 | Adam Hendrix | 51,000 |
33 | 9 | Paul Balzano | 50,000 |
42 | 7 | Filipp Khavin | 49,500 |
34 | 3 | Bobby Sanoubane | 46,000 |
39 | 5 | Sergio Aido | 46,000 |
35 | 8 | Martin Raus | 40,500 |
34 | 5 | Joe Kuether | 39,500 |
45 | 4 | Scott Baumstein | 38,000 |
38 | 5 | Terrence Revere | 36,000 |
47 | 3 | Erik Seidel | 34,000 |
35 | 4 | Faraz Jaka | 30,500 |
37 | 1 | Jared Jaffee | 29,500 |
39 | 7 | Nikita Kutukov | 27,000 |
40 | 2 | Dustin Dirksen | 24,500 |
47 | 2 | Jonathan Martinelli | 24,000 |
$10,000 Main Event [$10,000,000 GTD]
Day 1b Completed
Day 1b of the 2nd annual $10,000 buy-in, $10 million GTD Wynn Millions Main Event as part of 2022 Wynn Millions at Wynn Las Vegas wrapped up late Friday evening with Jonathan Jaffe leading 90 players with a sizable stack of 382,000.
The second of three starting flights in the Main Event attracted a total of 332 runners, and many of the best players in the world battled it out on the blue felt in the luxurious Wynn tournament area. Combined with the first flight, there have been 531 total entries, and 143 players have bagged so far.
Joao Simao (375,500), Philip Shing (350,000), and Vanessa Kade (345,000) also bagged big stacks.
Elvis Toomas began the day by moving all-in blind in the first hand, thanks to a prop bet. He lost, but re-entered and used those new chips to make it to the end of the day with a bagged stack of 132,000.
Some other notable players who survived the second starting flight include Andrew Lichtenberger (137,000), Jake Schindler (78,500), Daniel Lazrus (264,000), Landon Tice (74,500), Shannon Shorr (103,000), Alex Foxen (115,500), Cary Katz (148,500), and Jake Schwartz (88,000).
Players who weren’t lucky enough to make it to the end of the day include Anthony Zinno, Chance Kornuth, Sean Perry, Joe McKeehen, Tony Dunst, Maria Ho, and defending champion Andrew Moreno, but they will all have one last opportunity in tomorrow’s flight.
Those who bagged on Day 1b will return on March 6 at noon for Day 2ab, which will see them compete against the first two starting flights.
The third and final starting flight of the nine-day tournament will pick up on March 5 at noon. Like the first two flights, Day 1c is expected to attract some of the best and biggest in the game.
PokerNews will be back tomorrow to bring you updates of the Wynn Millions Main Event Day 1c action, so stay tuned.
Remember, there are still three PokerGO Tour High Rollers taking place here at the Wynn Millions, all of which count for . There will be $10,500 buy-in High Rollers on both March 6 & 7, as well as a $15,700 High Roller on March 8. .
Player | Chips | Progress |
Jonathan Jaffe |
382,000 |
Joao Simao |
115,500 |
Philip Shing |
230,000 |
Vanessa Kade |
215,000 |
Gianluca Speranza |
326,000 |
Scott Mayfield | 321,000 | |
Joseph Liberta |
308,000 |
David Miscikowski | 307,500 | |
Ian O'Hara |
80,500 |
Diogo Veiga | 290,000 | |
Robert Michener |
92,500 |
Martin Stausholm | 278,000 | |
Jack Hardcastle | 270,500 | |
Thomas Boivin |
-20,000 |
Daniel Lazrus | 264,000 | |
Ronald Sullivan | 263,500 | |
Amnon Filippi |
95,000 |
Ariel Mantel |
-12,500 |
Uri Reichenstein |
127,000 |
Dylan DeStefano | 238,000 | |
Shankar Pillai | 203,000 | |
Leo Worthington-Leese | 202,000 | |
Daniel Smiljkovic | 188,000 | |
Glenn LaFaye |
-6,000 |
Jim Collopy | 170,000 | |
Players are bagging and tagging and will return on Day 2ab on Sunday.
The tournament director has instructed the dealers to deal five more hands before the players bag and tag for the night.
The hijack player opened to 6,000, Ariel Mantel called the button, and Andrew Lichtenberger defended the big blind.
The flop fell . Lichtenberger checked, the hijack bet 6,000, Mantel folded, and Lichtenberger raised. The hijack ended up getting his 21,500 chips in and was at risk.
Andrew Lichtenberger:
The turn changed nothing, and the river improved Lichtenberger to quads, confirming his opponent's elimination.
Player | Chips | Progress |
Ariel Mantel | 255,000 | |
Andrew Lichtenberger |
45,000 |
The 2022 Wynn Millions is a series comprised of 16 events with more than $15 million in guaranteed prize money. There's a tournament for just about any type of poker player — high stakes, mid-stakes, no-limit hold'em, pot-limit Omaha, bounty events, etc. And there are two seniors events for players aged 50 and above — $400 and $1,100.
The second tournament of the series took place back on February 22 with a $400 No-Limit Hold’em $40K GTD, which attracted 261 entries and awarded a $90,045 prize pool to the top 27 finishers.
Among those to cash were Melanie Pittard (24th - $914), Gary Colclough (19th - $1,108), Robert Sherwood (15th - $1,378), Juan Reyes (12th - $1,557), Eric Baldwin (10th - $1,778), David Larson (9th - $2,062), Zach Johns (4th - $6,393), and Rebecca Waiter (3rd - $9,230).
In the end, California’s Ray Teasdale defeated Pennsylvania’s Alfred Gillette in heads-up play to win the tournament for $22,753.
Wynn Millions $400 NLH $40K GTD Final Table Results
Place | Player | Hometown | Prize |
1 | Ray Teasdale | Chula Vista, CA | $22,753 |
2 | Alfred Gillette | Scranton, PA | $14,047 |
3 | Rebecca Waiter | Seattle, WA | $9,230 |
4 | Zach Johns | La Conner, WA | $6,393 |
5 | Patrick Lacey | Marlton, NJ | $4,709 |
6 | Mario Beltran | Chicago, IL | $3,629 |
7 | Kerri Salamanca | Phoenix, AZ | $2,917 |
8 | Ali Hassan | Anaheim, CA | $2,422 |
9 | David Larson | Las Vegas, NV | $1,778 |
Alex Foxen opened to 3,500 in middle position and saw a flop against Noah Schwartz on the button and the big blind.
The flop came and Foxen bet 3,500 when checked to. Both players called. The turn brought the and the big blind and Foxen both checked, while Schwartz fired a bet of 12,000. Only Foxen called.
Foxen checked again on the river and Schwartz put out a stack of chips to put Foxen all-in for around 20,000.
Foxen shuffled his chips and studied the board as Schwartz ordered a drink and told the table a story involving his ex-wife, another man and the hood of his car.
"I need to work on my speech play," Schwartz told Foxen. "If you hate money, call."
"What about if I'm pretty indifferent?" replied Foxen.
Foxen eventually folded and told Schwartz he laid down ace-king. Schwartz showed him the and told him it was a good fold.
Player | Chips | Progress |
Noah Schwartz |
85,000 |
Alex Foxen |
-4,000 |