Yuval Bronshtein limps preflop in middle position and David Zarrin calls in the big blind. The flop is and both check. The turn is . Zarrin checks and Bronshtein makes it 12,000. Zarrin calls. The river is . Bronshtein bets 20,000 and Zarrin calls. He shows and Bronshtein mucks.
Hopkins makes it 28,000 from middle position and Bronshtein re-raises to 92,000. Hopkins shoves and Bronshtein calls. The board is and Hopkins' nines have held. Hopkins is up to 455,000. Bronshtein takes a big hit, and is down to 560,000.
The players have redrawn for a "final table" of ten. One bustout happens at this table and then the players are done for the night. Tomorrow is when the official final table takes place.
Yuvan Bronshtein raises to 28,000 in the cutoff and Jason Newburger raises to 83,000. Bronshtein puts him all in and Newburger calls. The board is Q-Q-10-9-A and Newburger doubles up. He's at 220,000 to 630,000 for Bronshtein.