The official chip counts for Day 1 of Event 35, $1,500 Seven Card Stud, have now been released, and 70 players have moved on to Day 2 play. The field is led overnight by Leonardo Ebeling, whose 78,000 in chips is well ahead of second-place Greg Pappas.
Leonardo Ebeling 78,000
Greg Pappas 50,000
Al Barbieri 44,500
Levon Torosyan 38,700
Charlie Townsend 38,000
Michael Rocco 36,400
Chris Tryba 32,900
Payam 'Paul' Attarchi 31,300
Kim Erfle 31,200
Alan Jaffray 28,900
Play resumes in this one at 3pm PDT on Thursday in the Brasilia Room at the Rio.
We started the day at Level 1 with 381 players. We finished the day at the end of Level 8 with just 71 player remaining. Those 71 players will return at 3pm PT tomorrow in the Brasilia Room to fight down to the final eight. Several bracelet winners are still in the hunt, including Katja Thater and Jens Voertmann, who just won his first bracelet in Event #22 - $3,000 H.O.R.S.E. See you tomorrow.
With just six minutes remaining until the end of the day, play seems to be tightening up as player see the finish line and the potential of coming back tomorrow to play for the final table.
Sabyl Landrum and Greg 'FBT' Mueller bet fourth, fifth, and sixth street, but both checked the end. Sabyl showed ( X X) with and that was good enough for Mueller to muck.
Sabyl is around 22,000 in chips and looks to have a healthy stack as we near the end of play tonight.
John Hennigan's fourth street raise probably won him a recent pot against Jens Voertmann. Hennigan raised fourth street, showing , after Voertmann bet his . Voertmann made the call.
Fifth street came to Hennigan, to Voertmann. Hennigan bet; Voertmann called. When Hennigan caught another king, the , on sixth street to Voertmann's , his bet went uncalled. Voertmann folded.
Hennigan chips up to 8,500, but still remains significantly below par.
Eskimo Clark didn't quite make it to the end of the day. He is out with 20 minutes remaining in Level 8, after starting three to a straight, failing to improve, and running into another player's buried kings.
With 25 minutes left in Level 8, the last level for the night, we are already down to 79 players remaining, just 39 spots off the money. That means that a full 80 percent of the field has been eliminated.
Chad Brown found a pair of jacks in the hole, but didn't need them as his other cards played to give him a runner-runner straight. The hand was good enough for him to pick up a 13,000 pot and move his total to 20,000.
Mike Rocco and Greg "FBT" Mueller tangled in a recent four-way hand that saw two other players go all in. Mueller started with buried queens, and was four to a straight flush by fifth street. Rocco started with split threes and an ace, and made aces up on fifth street. The all-in player immediately in front of Mueller, on two successive streets, pulled cards that would have won the hand for Mueller: the , which would have made trip queens, and the , which would have made the straight flush. Instead, Mueller went all the way to the river and never improved on his queens. Rocco took down the pot with two pair.
Both of the all-in players were eliminated. After the hand, Rocco has about 42,000 in chips and Mueller dips to 19,000.